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Homeopathy Awareness





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



Homeopathy Awareness(圖1)-速報App

Homeopathy Awareness App Especially designed for all The people know about Homeopathy Medicine, Awareness, What is Homeopathic System , How its work, Medicine Preparation and Source,Homeopathy History, Homeopthy FAQ's, Scope of all Deceases, Side effect of Using this medicines? and Homeopathy Principles.This App also can Use full for Students, BHMS Students, Doctors to Educate patients bu using this app, Health Camp Organizations and so.

Please find more about in App.


The founder of homeopathy was Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). Based on his observations, he formulated....

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy Awareness(圖2)-速報App

Homoeopathy is a branch of medicine originated in Germany in 1794, it is an advanced form of vaccination; whereby a substance which is capable of producing a disease like state is administered to the patient, but in a very minute dose, to cure the similar disease. ...

Taking the homeopathic remedy

Homeopathic medicines can be administered in drops....

How does it work?

There are theories on how exactly homeopathic medicine works....

Homeopathy Awareness(圖3)-速報App

How to take the medicine

Follow the instructions of your physician. Drops can go directly into your mouth.....

Homeopathy FAQs

1. What are the physical, mental and emotional aspects of homeopathy?

2. What are the three levels of homeopathic therapy?

Homeopathy Awareness(圖4)-速報App

3. What is the relationship between symptoms and homeopathy?

4. Can such small doses be effective?

5. How can the correct homeopathic remedy be found?

6. What is the difference between homeopathy and conventional medicine?

7. Is homeopathy merely psychological?

Homeopathy Awareness(圖5)-速報App

Homeopathic Principles

Homeopathy has 7 principles that are its foundation. They remain unchanged over the last 200 years as..

Homeopathy Medicines:

The homeopathic medicines are distinct in the way they are prepared and applied.;A small presentation by Life Force about sources of homeopathic medicines...

Source of Homeo Medicine:

Homeopathy Awareness(圖6)-速報App

Homeopathic medicines are prepared from a wide range of natural sources. Over 75% of the medicines origin from the vegetable kingdom, i.e. flowers, roots, leaves and the juice.

Homeopathy Scope for Various Deceases:

Find about different type of Below deceases information, definitions, Homeopathic Remedies & Treatment Scope of Deceases information you can find at App.

Abscess, Acanthosis nigricans, Acne roseacea, Acne, Acromegaly, Adenoids, Adhd, Allergy, Alziemers, Ankylosing spondilosis, Alopecia areata, Anxiety neurosis, Aplastic anaemia, Appendicitis, Asthma, Ataxia, Atherosclerosis, Autism, Backache, Bells palsy, Bronchitis, Calcaneal spur, Cancer, Candidiasis, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Cataract, Cellulitis ,Coeliac disease ,Constipation ,Copd ,Cornscallosities , Crohns disease ,Cystitis ,Dengue ,Depression ,Diabetes type 1 ,Diabetes type 2, Dysmenorrhoea, Eczema ,fndometriosis, Ibroadenoma, Gall bladder stones, Gastritis, Hepatitisb, HIV, Hypertension, Hyperthyroidism, Kidney Stone, Sinusitis, Swine Flu, Tonsillitis, Tumor.

Please Find More information about above all in side of the app.

Homeopathy Awareness(圖7)-速報App

This app Designed forThe event "NATIONAL ‘AROGYA Fair’ 2017 " Organized by "PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry"

Homeopathy Awareness(圖8)-速報App